Career Change: To Be Or Not To Be!

Career change is the most joyous process if made in a well-organized and thoughtful manner. Read the article to know more about the proper way for a reasonable career change.

Career change is dreaded by everyone, as there is a general perception that a career change can hardly succeed. Around 52% professionals do not like their current occupation, but get stuck to the same job due to the fear of change.

First of all, think whether your decision of career change is genuine or not. Changing careers for useless reasons is not only a wrong decision but also, harmful for your profile. Generally, people do not accept changes, so they think of changing careers, but it is obvious in every field.

Job satisfaction is the most important thing which makes you stick your profession.

If the current career does not make you happy, and even if it remains the same after your serious efforts to make it interesting, then you need a career change.

Change in lifestyle:

Some professions have specific requisites. If you are unable to follow them because of your lifestyle then you must turn towards the best suited one. Some professions are very brief. Modeling, players, and reporters are few of them. So, you need to be prepared for a successful career change, at the right time.

Money matters:

Money is not very convincing reason to change your field, but it is the most realistic one. If your current profession cannot meet your financial needs, then you better to search for other co-related career options.


Your interests& hobbies can help to earn name and fame as well as money. If you have such an interest, then it’s an apt reason to quit your present occupation and pursue your passion.


Migration can be a very serious reason for a career change. Some professions have local validity. If you go beyond that particular area, then they prove to be unfruitful. For example, career in local languages, or careers in consultation etc.

Additional responsibilities on a personal level:

Addition to your personal responsibilities can demand a career change. It is better to choose a proper career accordingly. Disturbances at personal level can be obstacles in professional growth. Generally, marriage is one of the reasons.

Personal disability:

Physical limitations, mental stress or personal restrictions are also logical causes for a career change.

After you decide for a career change, find out other options available for you. Co-related fields are better options than totally strange fields. Find out your skills and qualities which are helpful to pursue careers in different fields.

Make suitable changes in your resume before you apply for a job in a new field. Get resume writing tips from career consultant to make your C.V impressive. Do not lie about your work history or previous field. This will not only harm your reputation but also will make you lose your self respect.

Consult a career consultant, to find a suitable job according to your expectations. Initially, you will not get the best job according to your qualifications, since you are considered a fresher; you need to prove yourself to get to a respectable destination.